Saturday, April 26, 2025 11p-3a
Early Call Out option will be available at 1:00 am
We'd love to hear from you! Please shoot an email to mwpostprom@gmail.com or submit an inquiry at the bottom of the page.
We meet the last Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Millard West library. All are welcome!
Aug. 27th, Sept. 24th, Oct. no meeting, Nov. 19th, Dec. no meeting, Jan. 28th, Feb. 25th, Mar. 25th, and Apr. 15th
Millard West Post Prom cannot be done without your help and donations.
Want to donate Gift Cards?
Want to donate money?
We accept cash, checks & card payments.
Please make checks out to Millard West Post Prom.
Both cash and check donations, placed in an envelope labeled Post Prom, can be dropped off in the Activities Office.
For card payments, please use our GiveButter link. ApplePay, Venmo, and PayPal are all accessible via GiveButter.
Want to donate food items?
Want to donate raffle baskets?
Click Here for Signup Genius
Millard West Junior & Senior Students and their dates only!
Buy Your Post Prom Tickets Here:
<--- aim your camera at the QR code and visit the website that pops up
or click the link below:
Link Coming Soon

The History of Post Prom
The Post Prom tradition began after a tragedy involving two Millard South students, Junior Beth Ann Brooks and alumnus Brian Jay McEwan, attended her prom and never came home.
For weeks, searches were conducted in all 50 states and some foreign countries. The Sheriff's Department and friends looked by sea, air, and land. The couple's co-workers at the Hy-Vee in Millard wore buttons asking "Have you seen Beth and Brian?" to help with the search. 200,000 flyers were distributed in hopes of finding the young couple.
Beth and Brian's vehicle was found on June 3, 1984. The Jeep Wagoneer they were driving was pulled out of a creek just 5 miles from their home. The couple apparently died sometime after the prom when the Jeep plunged off an embankment where a bridge had been removed to make way for Dam Site 20. After three weeks of hopeful prayers, their intense search ended in this tragic outcome.
Although alcohol was not involved this time, we know many accidents during prom season are. Memories of Beth and Brian and the desire to give students a place to go after prom, became the foundation of our area's Post Prom events.
Millard West started its Post Prom tradition in its inaugural year, 1996. Since then, parents, teachers, and administrators have collaborated to create a party immediately following prom, that is safe, supervised, and alcohol-free.